Sunday, December 11, 2011


Today, digged my 乱葬岗 table and re-read 'A Brief History of Time' by Prof. Stephen William Hawking coz I basically forgot what the book says liao (lol) XD.

Spent around 30-45 minutes reading the first chapter (I know it's damn long, sorry for my poor english). There was something written in it that made me think. It sounds like this:

"...If there were existence earlier than this time (big bang), then they could not have affect what happens at the present time.."

"...One may say that time had a beginning at the big bang, in the sense that earlier times simply would not be defined.."

"...In an unchanging universe (if universe does not change) a beginning in time is something that has to be imposed by some being (or rather stimulus) outside the universe; there is no physical necessity for a beginning. One can imagine that God created the universe at literally any time in the past.."

Well, it made me starting to wonder. "Why do some people reject the idea that universe is created by a supreme being (such as God, Allah, etc) while still able to accept ideas like the big bang?"

My initial thinking was "Duhh. One is scientific explanation one is langu, sure got some ppl won't accept la", but immediately I knew I was wrong. Big Bang doesn't have proof as well (at least from what I know) except from the fact that the universe is expanding!

Then I started to came into this conclusion: "Perhaps it's all about faith, all about how we want to think and to believe." The idea we place our faith on might not be the ones that's most likely to be the 'True Answer', but the idea we feel most comfortable with. It's like all physics laws and theories crumble to dust if the basic principles are proven wrong, or the Holy Bible means nothing if Jesus was proven to be non-existent. In life there's nothing that is completely certain, its like Heisenberg's 'Uncertainty Principle'. This lesson made me understand more about religions and believes. =)

Btw, another thing that amuses me about geniuses like bro Hawking is the way the think. They can think of almost countless possibilities and start reasoning among them to reach the best answer. Sometimes I can't even understand their reasoning. Lawl.

Anyway, another rainy night. Shall have a superb sleep later~ *me gusta face lol*

Ciaozzzzzuuu~ ^^

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